digital services
How many marketing questions were on your licensing exam?
Probably zero. You know contracting, we know marketing...
Founded ten years ago, the MegaMarketer Coaching Club is the first devoted solely to marketing strategies that drive sales for contractors. As a member, you get
one-on-one coaching with experts who build a custom marketing plan, then work with you to implement, track, and optimize your results.
Lists graphic
Need a little help understanding the marketing lingo? Advice on your most effective marketing spends? Ad critiques and marketing tips? Maybe just someone in your corner so you don’t pull your hair out? We know your businessand your customers, and we’re here to help.

With multiple levels to choose from, the Coaching Club is designed to elevate your company's exposure and sales, no matter what size your business is.

We can't wait for you to get started with COACHINGCLUB

As part of the Coaching Club, you'll get access to coaches and nearly unlimited resources to help you make smart marketing decisions - along with discounts on additional services.

One-on-one coaching 60min/month 120min/month
Custom monthly marketing plan x mark Checkmark
Quarterly mailed MegaMarketer newsletter Checkmark Checkmark
Monthly MegaMarketer e-training resource Checkmark Checkmark
Monthly podcast Checkmark Checkmark
Marketing budget calculator Checkmark Checkmark
Marketing assessment plan Checkmark Checkmark
Priority service on custom ad services x mark Checkmark
Website audit x mark Checkmark
Gold $129 month Platinum $278 month

Bimonthly MegaMarketer subscription included at $8/year.

{{ error }}

{{ 'Name cannot be blank.' | trans }}

{{ 'Company cannot be blank.' | trans }}

{{ 'Invalid Email.' | trans }}

{{ 'Phone cannot be blank.' | trans }}

{{ 'Street cannot be blank.' | trans }}

{{ 'City cannot be blank.' | trans }}

{{ 'Zip Code cannot be blank.' | trans }}

  • Get Started

    1. Your Info

    Already have an account? Sign In
    Otherwise, let's get started below...

    {{ 'Name cannot be blank.' | trans }}

    {{ 'Company Name cannot be blank.' | trans }}

    {{ 'Invalid Email.' | trans }}

    {{ 'Phone cannot be blank.' | trans }}

    {{ 'Street cannot be blank.' | trans }}

    {{ 'City cannot be blank.' | trans }}

    {{ 'Zip Code cannot be blank.' | trans }}


  • Get Started

    2. Payment Info

    {{ 'Card Zip Code cannot be blank.' | trans }}

    Based on the coaching services you've selected, your card will be charged $278 today.
    With these same services, starting next month, your card will be charged $278 today.
    per month.
    Get started now by pressing "Checkout" below.