To help you prepare for the Fall season, here are some strategies to boost and maintain your HVAC customers.

1. Capitalize on Social Proof: As the chill of fall begins to settle in, homeowners start looking for reliable HVAC services. They’re more likely to trust you if they see positive feedback from other customers. How can you gather more reviews?

Simply ask! Train your employees to request reviews upon completion of a job. Make the process of leaving a review easy by setting up an accessible platform such as Google Business Profile. After a job is complete, follow up with an email or text, gently reminding the customer to leave a review.

Respond to all reviews, especially the less than perfect ones, in a timely manner. This demonstrates that you’re committed to providing excellent service and resolving any issues.

2. Monitor Your Online Presence: In the age of rapid online information exchange, staying on top of your company’s reputation is crucial. Set up a Google Alert for your business name to monitor what people are saying about your company online.

If negative feedback appears, you can address it promptly and professionally, showing potential customers your dedication to customer satisfaction.

3. Offer Seasonal Discounts: The approach of winter often prompts homeowners to service their HVAC systems. To encourage this, offer seasonal discounts or special packages. Monitor your competitors’ offerings and come up with standout deals. This not only attracts customers but also demonstrates your understanding of their needs during the season.

4. Implement Email Marketing: With the rise of digital marketing, email has proven to be an effective tool for reaching customers directly. Consider creating a seasonal email campaign that provides tips for maintaining HVAC systems during winter, along with information about your services and discounts.

Use a professional email marketing platform to manage your contacts and monitor the performance of your campaigns. Regular emails can keep your brand top-of-mind for customers when they need HVAC
services. (Your automated campaigns do this for you,
right on schedule! Ask your coach how you can get a campaign launched in time for Fall. Just email [email protected].)

At Hudson,Ink, we specialize in HVAC marketing and are ready to assist with your digital marketing needs, from managing your online presence to implementing email marketing campaigns. With over 20 years of experience in the HVAC industry, we know what works and what doesn’t. Let us help you make the most of your Fall marketing efforts.