Have you considered how environmentally friendly your workplace is? More and more companies across business industries are committing to reducing their impact on the environment. From a business standpoint, consumers are more inclined to buy products from, invest in services from, and lend their support to companies with a proven record of social responsibility in regard to reducing their environmental impact.

There are various accessible and cost-effective measures your company can take to reduce your carbon footprint and affect your environmental impact. Here are five examples of sustainable initiatives you can implement to encourage an environmentally conscious workplace for your employees, not just on Earth Day, but every day.

1. Implement a recycling program

One standard way of supporting conscientiousness around sustainability is to establish a recycling program within your office. From the kitchen area to your workspaces, provide education on responsible waste disposal through clear signage on designated waste stations to help your people distinguish between what items belong in recycling, compost, and in the trash bin. You can also look into the safe removal and donation of old computer parts and other items unnecessarily taking up space in your workplace to a local organization supporting the ethical recycling of electronics.

2. Conserve energy within the office

Turning off the lights and switching off electronic equipment around the office during off-hours will help to conserve energy resources as well as save your company a significant amount on your electric bill. Ensure that your workplace has communicated your policy around reducing energy consumption at their desks and around the office and provide suggestions such as shutting off their computers at the end of the work day and keeping the lights off when a meeting room is not in use.

3. Reduce by reusing

Discourage wasteful habits from your employees by encouraging the use of reusable coffee mugs, along with reusable water bottles. You can promote this initiative in office by offering company merchandise items such as travel mugs and stainless-steel water bottles! Also, try having kitchenware available for staff to use at lunchtime instead of plastic cutlery and paper plates.

4. Invest in office plants

Placing plants around the office can help to beautify your workspaces, uplift the overall atmosphere, and reduce stress and anxiety for your workforce. Indoor greenery can boost oxygen levels and remove harmful pollutants such as carbon dioxide and formaldehyde. Plants like peace lilies, spider plants, English ivies, and Chinese evergreens are common indoor plants that not only filter the air, but are also easy to maintain.

5. Conserve human energy

This may not be an idea that readily comes to mind when considering environmental practices, but the wellbeing of your people is crucial to the healthy habits of your organization. Sustaining healthy and energetic employees will be beneficial to your company’s overall productivity. Help to keep your team happy and energized by establishing a safe, non-toxic environment at all times. It can start by providing sustainable and nutritious options, such as organic fruits and vegetables.

From promoting workplace wellness through a mindful and healthy office environment to allowing your team members to think of the bigger picture, encouraging environmentally conscious practices in the workplace will help your people feel healthier, more satisfied with your company, and more driven to thrive at work. Above all, the benefit of leaving a lasting impression of environmental impact for your organization will stay for generations to come.