A successful brand communicates credibility, clarity and consistency – making sure that the way your company (brand) is portrayed is the way it behaves. A successful brand calls for clearly defined values differentiating you from your competitors. And these qualities should be consistently applied, across all customer experiences, starting with the marketing.

Create a clear and concise marketing message. Portray your unique value proposition. Push benefits, “what’s in it for them.” Then back it up with guarantees and risk reducers. And give them a clear call-to-action.

Refine your website strategy. Make sure your website is ready for engagement. Create landing pages with clear messages. Be responsive with autoresponders, and be able to enter prospects into an email nurturing campaign. Also, provide free resources such as online videos, reports and blogs that increase your credibility as an industry expert and build trust with your prospect. Also, a big part of your website strategy…

Perform keyword optimization. Identify the right prospect for your company, then identify the search terms they will use to reach you. Obvious for your industry – heating and air conditioning, electrical work, plumbing, plus your city. After that, brainstorm for more.

Generate leads through landing pages. Look for ways to grab at least an email address from visitors to your site, such as through a landing page strategy. Request an email address for access to a how-to video or special report or top 10 tips on whatever.

Place non-qualified leads into a nurturing program. Sales-ready leads go straight to sales. But if they’re not ready to buy, or if sales sends them back, place them in a nurturing program where they can continue to receive nurturing contact, especially a series of email messages. Stay active in social media platforms. But also remember to integrate online and offline. Follow-up phone calls, plus real live notes and letters will be included in your lead-nurturing strategy.