• Loyalty spending = 67% higher
  • Referrals from customers = 107% more
  • Costs 6 times more to get a customer than to keep one
  • 47.7% of HVAC sales are from customer base
  • Average customer loss per year is 11%

Short answer: Yes. Longer answer: Still yes. Here’s how that works.

Sometimes it makes sense to do things the easy way. Let’s say you’ve got two possibilities for increasing sales: You can take a handful of low-cost steps to keep your current customer, or you can spend eight times more to earn a new one.

A repeat customer spends more with your company – on average 67% more – than your newbie does. Plus, for loyal customers, individual transaction sizes tend to be larger. Stats show that loyal customers spend on average 28% more per transaction for upsells and add-ons.

Nobody’s knocking acquisition marketing. It’s essential. However, you squander a huge profitable opportunity with the customers you’ve already acquired if you let them get away from you because you don’t make the small investment that says you care.

Customer Retention marketing can generate a sizeable payoff, even when it’s a fairly small percentage of your marketing budget. Customers in an organized Customer Retention program are five times more likely to repurchase than those who aren’t, and they’re four times more likely to refer another customer to your company.

Winter customer retention kits are available now. Email [email protected] or call 800-489-9099.