Are you finding that your leads and prospects aren't taking the next step in your sales process, whether that's buying or simply requesting more information? The problem could be a faulty or non-existent call to action.

What Is a Call to Action?

A call to action (CTA) is a statement designed to get an immediate response from the person reading or hearing it. It's used in business as part of a marketing strategy to get your target market to respond by taking action. It's generally used at the end, or sometimes throughout a sales pitch to let potential clients/customers know what to do next if they're interested in what you offer.

It seems obvious to let people know the next step in doing business with you, but the truth is, many new business owners don't have calls to action (CTA) in their marketing and sales pitches. This is usually for one of two reasons:

  1. A belief that the prospect already knows what to do if they're interested in buying or learning more
  2. Concerns that calls to action are obnoxious and will annoy the potential client/customer

Whatever the reason, leaving CTAs out of your marketing materials can mean losing prospects and money. Calls to action are essential in directing a prospect to the next step of the sales funnel or process.

When to Use a CTA

The most obvious use for a call to action is in sales, such as "Buy Now!" However, the sales process isn't the only place that a call to action can be helpful. If you have a high-priced item or service, in which it can take time to encourage someone to buy, a call to action that acts as a road map toward sales can be helpful. For example, you might say "Call now for a free estimate."

A call to action can also be used to build your email list ("Sign up for a free report now."), increase your social media following ("Get more tips and coupons by following us on Facebook!"), keep readers on your site ("Click here to read more about..."), and much more.

Spell It Out

It’s all about being clear and direct, so use a strong command verb to start your CTA. Let your audience know exactly what you want them to do, and don’t dilly dally – start with the desired action:

  • Buy
  • Order
  • Call
  • Subscribe
  • Download
  • Donate
  • Follow

Tip: Create a sense of urgency and a fear of missing out, aka FOMO, with phrases like “Offer expires Friday!” or “Buy now before supplies run out!”

Keep in Mind

Consider these elements when creating a clear call to action to increase your response rates:

  • Strive for clarity. Don't assume people know what to do when they read your ad or marketing materials. You'll get greater results by being clear and direct about what the prospect needs to do next.
  • Have a CTA on everything. Make sure each page of your website, each sales conversation, and every piece of printed material (e.g., direct mail or brochures) contains a clearly defined and easily identifiable call to action.
  • Keep it simple. Calls to action work best when they're not complicated. Don't make your potential clients and customers go through a maze or jump through hoops. While offering options is good (e.g., "Call or email us"), don't give them so many options or make it difficult for them to follow through on what you want them to do.

The Takeaway

Remember these best practices when it comes to crafting an effective CTA:

  1. Clearly explain what action your customer should take: "Buy now”
  2. State what the customer will get by acting: “Buy now and get 20% off”
  3. Offer a compelling reason for the customer to act now: “Buy now and get 20% off, offer expires Friday!”

Every time you're in front of your lead or prospect, ask them to take the next step, whether that's to read more, give feedback, sign up, or buy. And when creating a printed piece or designing a website or email marketing campaign, differentiate the call to action by making it bigger, using a different color, and outlining it with extra white space. Don't let it get lost in the rest of the marketing piece or content.

Call Hudson,Ink today to get started on incorporating a CTA in your marketing materials!

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