If you want customers to support your marketing, remember this: Social media success isn’t built on the platform. It’s built on the product or service.

One of the fundamentals of successful marketing via social media is not unlike the fundamentals of any other kind of marketing. You must have a product or service people value and/or can be educated about said value.

Good news: contractors have these things out the wazoo – life-saving, energy-saving, water-conserving, comfort-inducing, incredibly powerful, technologically advanced products and services. So there’s that.

The next challenge is to get customers to promote your value, which is the golden egg of social media marketing. As your customers become educated and experienced, they’re your target for sharing the news with their friends and followers.

Identify products that produce passion – For sheer relatability, IAQ services that help kids with their asthma and allergies is big, as is the prevention of a carbon monoxide leak. Or how a family avoided a water disaster. Or the discovery of wiring flaws that predicted serious danger. Or how your company helped out an economically-disadvantaged family. This is the sort of thing that reaches people, not just in their homes, but in their hearts. Next…

Amplify your story – Boosted posts and social media advertising will help spread stories beyond your followers and grow engagement. Create a strategy for the stories you want to tell and a content plan for keeping on track. Consistency counts. Continue to create content that grows an audience.

Give customers a place for conversation – Let them share their stories and concerns. Welcome their feedback about your services.

Study your competitors – As part of your planning strategy for digital word of mouth, take note of what your competitors are doing. Learn, observe, identify tactics you’d like to try yourself – but don’t copy.