Why should customers buy from you instead of your competitor? Follow that question with the word “Because” and you’re on your way to developing a value proposition. For example, “Because we have the lowest prices in town” is a clear value proposition (though not recommended because you will always have to keep chasing that low-price bar).

Or “Because I said so” may work with parenting, but you’re going to have to come up with a better reason than that, one where your prospects can see the clear benefit.

Also not recommended: “Because we’ve been here since 1977.” That may be of value to you, but you have to tell someone why that matters to them. Such as, “Because our expert technicians are continuing a 40-year commitment to help homeowners in our community save energy, save money and keep systems running smoothly.”

Look at your main competitor and ask, what is their weakness? For example, are they too big to be nimble? Maybe you answer: “Because our customer service is personal, attentive and available.” Or what is one of your key strengths? Maybe it’s “Because we invest in the latest technology and make sure our technicians are highly trained to deliver expert service at less cost and in less time.”

The point is, let the word “Because” help you differentiate the ways you stand out from the competition. Think about what are you selling. Speed of service? Improved home value? Convenient scheduling? Home safety? Better health? Cost savings? Fully stocked trucks? Responsive customer service? And begin to shape the development of your value proposition.

A value proposition also paints a picture for your prospect of what problems you can solve for them, and what benefits they will receive. So, follow the word “because,” add in problem-solving and benefits received and differentiate yourself from your competitors with a strong first impression.