There the girl stands, all dressed up in make-up and a sequin dress. Her hair is big, and her heels are high. But she stands alone, on the verge of tears, watching her date ask every girl there to dance instead of her.

You can picture it, can’t you? Better yet, you can feel it.

Sorry for throwing you full force into the angst of an 80’s Brat Pack movie, but few things are worse than feeling neglected and unappreciated. We’re left wondering why we weren’t good enough to get the attention that’s going elsewhere.

No doubt, the most common issue we deal with while coaching contractors is reminding you who brought YOU to the dance… your existing customers. Everyone wants to talk about new leads, but please don’t forget the pretty lady that said yes to you in the first place.

Who has helped establish your business? Loyal customers. Who’s paying for the trucks you own, your sharply-dressed techs and putting your little girl through college? Customers who are ALREADY in your database.

So, be careful about neglecting existing customers, thinking you can show them zero attention and they’ll still be eagerly waiting for you when you return. It rarely works that way. They’ll be dancing with someone else before long.

Need ideas for showing your customers some love? Set up a time to speak with your Marketing Coach this month. Show your customers some love, and they’ll love you back.