Have you ever seen an “industry expert” on the news and wondered how they got the call? Publicity is the best type of TOMA – top of mind advertising – because it’s free. But it’s also one of the hardest types of advertising to acquire because most people don’t know how to get it. So, here are some behind-the-scenes tips for working some PR magic of your own.

1. Tell. Don’t sell.

Great stories are newsworthy because they have a message that’s important to others. Media outlets won’t share it if it’s just an advertisement for your company. So, find something that speaks to a broader issue but highlights something valuable about your company as well.

2. Be a resource.

If you’re an HVAC contractor, you might provide tips on using a smart thermostat during vacation season. A plumber might create a video about smart water usage during drought season. Electricians can team up with local EMA agencies and meteorologists to provide severe weather preparedness products like generators and surge protectors.

3. Know your audience.

Although you’re trying to get your story out to the masses, your first audience is the reporter who needs to find a story to share. Reporters are on deadline and pressed for time, so make his or her job easier by formatting your story into something they can use without a lot of work. If you’re writing a press release or posting a story online, give all the pertinent who, what, when, where and whys at the beginning with details to follow.

4. Formatting your story

No matter where your story will be seen, make sure that the information you’re sharing is well thought out, free of spelling and grammatical errors, short and to the point. Remember to always give a contact person or link to your website for more information. If you’re writing a press release, it should always end with a sentence or two about your company.

5. Sharing the story

Traditionally, companies would write press releases and send them to local media outlets – news stations, newspapers, local magazines, etc. Today, the best publicists combine that tactic with digital outreach. Upload the story to your company’s website, then send out the link with an introductory blurb on social media. Be sure to tag, mention, and “@” other relevant companies or volunteer organizations and the local reporters or industry publications who might distribute the story. Be sure to use hashtags (#) of relevant trending topics or create your own for people to share.

With well-written, well-timed and well-distributed publicity, you can position yourself as the go-to company for local PR opportunities. Whether you’re participating in ready-made PR opportunities or creating your own, be sure that you stay active in your local community, and one day soon it could be you sitting in the expert’s chair.