Facebook likes and follows are fun to see, yet growing website traffic will more likely lead to deeper engagement among customers and prospects – and, more importantly, grow sales. While you employ Facebook to earn attention by sharing quality content, captivating images and helpful tips and reminders, sending them to your conversion hub is the next goal.

Social platforms are valuable media and relationship builders. Even so, your website is much more effective as an online hub for prospects to sign up for service appointments and review the products and services you offer. So, what can you do to encourage followers to venture from their news feeds and head to your website for a closer look?

Tactics to use social media to grow traffic to your site begin with your profile page. For starters, make sure you include a link to your website in your “About” info. This link can be your home page, or it could be a preferred sales page where someone can request a free estimate on a new system or take another next-step action.

While you’re inspecting your About info, don’t forget to use this space to post content that validates your expertise and your value while focusing on what’s in it for the customer. Remember, it doesn’t help them to know that you’ve been in business since 1967 if they can’t count on you to get to their house this afternoon to repair a broken air conditioning system.

In addition to your profile, you can include a URL in the description section for your cover photo. Or add it in the first comment to make the link active. Don’t miss this chance to include a call to action – even a low-key one like “Visit and sign up for our free newsletter to enjoy lots of helpful tips for your home.”

Also, use some of your posts (but not all) to link back to your website. Post links to either a blog, video or other helpful content, in addition to periodically sharing your sales pages. Contests and giveaways can also help you grow traffic. Perhaps you’re offering provisions for a pool or lake party – with a cooler packed full of beverages and snacks – and they click the link to provide an email address to register.

Along with your non-paid strategies, add social media marketing in the mix. The paid ads that promote your company or individual services can help you reach thousands more people, depending on the budget you select.