Remember those nice little postcards we used to see in restaurants or hotels with that ever-so-soft “Your opinion matters to us, call for feedback?” Yeah. Thanks, 1990s. That was helpful. But now we’d have to edit that to: “Your opinion can make or break us.”

Welcome to the parallel universe – A.K.A “the real world” – where customer reviews are the driving factor in how or whether you get more customers.

Maybe you’re asking, “Was that my customer in the attic installing new insulation in 110 degree temps?” Well, no, not quite. But his review of how you performed that service did reach those searching your market for HVAC contractors and influenced how they feel about you doing the same job for them. The truth of the times we live in is simple:

  • Online reviews increase trust.
  • Online reviews and web content increase your website’s search results.

Here’s how to get started:

  • Request reviews after an in-person service call or installation. For example, ask, “Was our service today good enough to earn a positive review?” Then hand them a card with the URLs of your website, Google My Business page, Facebook Business page along with short, positive sample comments.
  • Include customer review links in a follow-up email.
  • Include review sites in customer satisfaction surveys.
  • Add review sites to your email signature to keep them top of mind.
  • Share reviews on Twitter or Facebook.
  • Keep asking for reviews, the more recent the better.
  • Keep track of what’s being said. A couple of free or subscription-based services can help you keep track of reviews, such as Google Alerts.

What can you do to maintain your image when anyone can say anything?

Work to move customer complaints offline. When someone posts a complaint about your company online, a lot of people are watching to see how you handle the situation. If you see “the tech was late, the price was too high and my energy bills are worse than ever…,” proceed with caution. Open with, “I am sorry that you are having this problem.” Then say, “Please email or call me, and give me your phone number or email address.” From here, take your response offline, directly to the person. In particular, don’t air your dirty laundry in social media.

Don’t overreact to negative comments. If it’s about you, you may react more personally, but if you see something as negative that wouldn’t bother a customer or prospect at all, let it slide. The perfect example? Suppose someone says, “Those service trucks are the ugliest color yellow I have ever seen.” You don’t want to hear that someone said your trucks are ugly – but it has nothing to do with the quality of your work. And are you seriously going to reply, “Studies show that the color of our trucks is one of the most well-respected selections on the color wheel?” Know when to let it go.

Remember, the internet is moving faster than ever, and the better image you have online and offline will help your business thrive. Don’t be afraid to ask for reviews or testimonials. If you seriously made someone’s day better by fixing the AC or helping them save money, they’ll be more than happy to thank you with a review.