Are your customers feeling the love today? Research shows that is a big deciding factor in whether they’ll give you a call when they need you. The driving force is actually just that emotional – 70% of customers do business with a company because of the way it makes them feel, according to HelpScout, a customer service company.

By “how they feel,” we’re not talking about how relaxed they are at the massage parlor or following their mani/pedi appointment – but more like how they feel you treated them.

You know… that courtesy thing. That on-time arrival, thorough job well-done, neatness and cleanup, reliable warranty follow-up. Add to that clarity in pricing, meaning no unexpected charges that aren’t discussed ahead of time, and other simple actions that let them know you care. Like thank you notes. Or leave-behind freebies, like customer newsletters and discount coupons for future service. Or for big-ticket installations, maybe a mani/pedi coupon or other relaxing reward?

See how this works? Feel-good retention strategies are one thing after another that builds your image in your own customers’ eyes. Then what happens? When they feel good about what you do, they’ll call you again – and tell others, too.

This feeling of connection and trust is so powerful that across all kinds of industries, HelpScout points out, we’re looking at a shifting marketing paradigm where 65% of new business comes from direct referrals. People talk about the companies they use, and the ones that get the best word of mouth are the ones that make them feel good as customers.

Pretty simple concept, that treating customers well is a great retention strategy. And who’s going to feel good then? You are.