If you don’t know how to Tweet, post, “go live,” string together stories or even what in the world I’m talking about when I use those terms, it’s time to take some notes. Point blank, you could be costing your business money and customers by not using social media effectively.

In 2008, 10% of the U.S. population was on social media. In 2019, close to 80% follow one or more of the most popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. The truth is, there is FAR too large an audience out there in social media land for you to ignore. And, in true capitalistic fashion, whenever there is an audience this large, these companies have developed ways you can market to their subscribers. It doesn’t have to be overwhelming and no one is expecting you to post cute selfies or have 10,000 followers by the end of this article, but here are a few tips to help you get started using social media to grow your business.

The first is the #1 thing. You can use social media to increase leads. Turns out, that’s the #1 reason 65% of businesses say they create social media accounts in the first place, simply to get more leads. Instantly you can start getting your company in front of thousands of eyes by boosting posts, and as you build your audience through likes and follows, promotions get cheaper and cheaper. But further than that, social media has a distinct advantage over other forms of lead generation. Because people so willingly give tons of their personal information on these sites, you can do some very advanced targeting to find the best prospects around.

Effective social media sends traffic to your website. Businesses who are active on social media typically see 37% higher traffic on their home pages (statista.com), and when done correctly, traffic can go through the roof. Make sure what you post on social media is relevant and gets attention but don’t send them somewhere else! Develop, or have someone develop for you, good content that lives on your website in the form of blog posts and money-saving tips. Link the interested reader there and include a call-to-action on how YOU can help, not the teenager in the orange apron. The more people that end up on your website the more your Google ranking improves, and the more chances you have for leads.

Social media also helps develop a relationship with your customer because, well, it’s social. People can’t interact with a billboard or a radio spot, and direct mail can only get so personalized, but social media is a forum where they can comment and have a dialog with you. Do not be guilty of your messages being all hard sales all the time or people will shut you down in a hurry. Use social media to put a face on your company with employee spotlights, customer testimonials, stories of community events you’re involved in and pictures of what the culture is like working with XYZ Heating & Air. Happy people (and businesses) are attractive.

And lastly, it’s not all ads, but it is all advertising. Think branding, branding, branding. Get your company’s name out into the social media universe where it can be seen and shared. If you can maintain even a semi-active account, you’re probably stealing attention away from your competitors simply by being in front of more homeowners on a daily basis. Half the battle in our world is name recognition, so the more you’re seen the more likely people are to think of your name instead of calling the first company that pops up on a Google search.


Here are some quick ways to break into, or just amp up your social marketing game:

  • Consult the experts. Maybe you don’t want to jump into this with both feet just yet, but you know there’s a need. So, how can you get started quickly? I bet there’s a young person in your office that would be glad to add “social media manager” to their job title and enjoy doing it. Trust me, they already know how to use the platforms. If you want a more professional touch, there are lots of companies that will manage your presence for you, and the right one will be well worth the investment.
  • Build your audience. The more people you can get to like and follow your social media avenues, the more of an audience will see your messages each time without paying extra. Make your page interactive and fun. Try partnering with local restaurants to give away gift certificates, under the stipulation people must like and share your page to enter the drawing. Also, post photos of your employees and tag them. This will display your messages to all their friends and family as well.
  • Pick the right content. As stated above, not all content is good content. Thousands of dollars can be wasted paying someone to fill up space posting that it’s “National Hotdog Day” and the like. Thing is, no one cares, and they’ll quit following your page quickly if it doesn’t engage them. Home tips, money-saving ideas and recipes are always winners. Many manufacturers also have some good informative posts available, but be careful not to get too technical.
  • Don’t overwhelm. Be careful with your audience after you have them. Remember, 99% of the people that are on social media are not there shopping for a contractor, but the right content can remind them to give you a call. Either way, most people don’t want to see their contractor in their news feed every day. Every other day to once a week is typically plenty to keep the audience engaged and listening.