Why do “Likes” matter? Simple psychology. People like what other people like. Someone with a Ph.D. can better explain why, but even a middle-schooler understands that we of the human race are easily influenced. If something “sounds good,” well, that’s good. But what do other people think? If they think it sounds good too, it must really sound good. See how that works?

You can’t cash in a “Like,” no matter how upbeat it makes you feel. But these affirmative clicks on your Page or post help by increasing the views of your post, as well as increasing the impression that it’s a good thing.

Impressions make an impression. In the digital world, the word “impression” has little to do with your Justin Beiber impersonation, but everything to do with being seen. Ads can be measured on clicks or impressions (the number of times it gets in front of eyeballs). The more often you’re seen, the stronger the connection you’re building.

You can increase impressions by mixing no-cost social media posts with social media advertising strategies. These co-exist to increase impressions and engagement, and ultimately add names for your database. According to digital researchers eMarketer, up to 20 to 25 percent of people who see a social media ad will respond to the call-to-action.

For contractors, social media is not specifically about generating leads, although everyone running or making purchases from a business understands that you want sales. Instead of using social media as a sales platform, however, use it to entertain, inform and engage. But one way to tie these needs together is to create an opt-in strategy in your social media posts and ads. Encourage fans to “Like” your Page. Once you get the Like, offer something of value in exchange for an email address for the freebie. You’ve got a new name for your next email campaign, and are growing your lead list.