Those new to marketing may have a vague idea that one online ad or Direct Mail letter is all you’ll need to bring in leads. Just put your offer out there and watch for the customers to come clamoring.

In that vein of “yeah, anything’s possible,” let’s say it is possible. But that’s not how a marketing plan works. As you know, all of your online and offline marketing tools integrate and work together, like the parts in the systems you service.

Direct Mail particularly is not just the media of choice for those who want to stick to print options, but it is also a medium that increases online response. As a matter of fact, studies show that offline marketing generates 67% of online searches in the United States. It works like this: You get something in the mail, scan the offer, interest is piqued, and you say, “I need to find out more.” And more to the point, 39% of these searches lead to a purchase.

Direct Mail often provides a tangible piece of marketing that consumers want to keep for their use now or later (AKA, a discount coupon). A 2016 report from the Direct Marketing Association pointed out that 2.5 billion coupons were redeemed in 2015. Of course, we don’t know how many coupons are still sitting on kitchen counters or under refrigerator magnets on standby. But that’s even better than a TOMA ad.