When you create content that is valuable to your customers and prospects – but not entirely sales oriented – you’re building credibility with this very important audience.

However, in case you’re wondering: everyone knows that sales is the goal of your business, so no one is surprised by your “click here to schedule a free estimate” call to action at the conclusion of your online content. Even so, by providing valuable, helpful information, you build trust and credibility.

The concept is similar to newsletters contractors like mail to your customers’ homes. Online content is an opportunity for contact with customers and prospects. Plus, you offer a way to get in touch if they’d like to talk to you further.

The messages you create could fall into three categories:

Content that Educates – These types of messages help customers by giving them information of benefit. Anything about energy savings, indoor air quality improvements, water conservation, leak discovery, electrical safety, surge protection and the like is a good starting point for practical messages that will benefit homeowners.

Content that Builds Trust – This type of message may convey who you are, your values as a company, your commitment to your community, your commitment to industry standards. Whatever says dedication, character and integrity on the one hand, along with the highest standards of professionalism, skills training and industry knowledge on the other, is a starting point for becoming a trustworthy voice in a very busy Internet.

Content that Converts – Yes, you’re in business for sales. And your website is also a location of content that converts into a scheduled appointment, a newsletter subscription sign-up, an email address grabbed from a video squeeze page or any other way that you’re seeking an action from your prospects. This type of content will entice with a strong headline that pulls them in and creates a strong case for a call to action by promoting benefits and providing assurance with your guarantees.