I was at West Steak and Seafood recently, and I had a great meal. Service was very good too; it was a great night. I could go on and on about how delicious my cut of steak was and how my red wine was served at the correct temperature, but it’s what happened towards the end of the meal that impressed me most. As we were finishing up, the Maître De came to my table and said, “The executive chef asked me to check on your table and make sure your dining experience met expectations.” He knew what we had ordered and inquired about everyone’s dish. As my dinner party assured him that everything was cooked perfectly and was delicious, he thanked us again.

I was impressed. Every company can learn from what the Maître De did at West.

Now, we had no clue if the head chef was even in the building that night. All I know is that we thought he was, and we thought he cared about our table. It was pretty powerful. It left my dinner party with an even greater appreciation for the restaurant.

What did this simple procedure do to strengthen their business, and more importantly (for this space), what did it do to help them with reviews?

Service Provider Accountability

If every waiter/cook/bartender/busboy/etc. in the restaurant knows they are going to be checked up on, they are going to do a better job. This is extremely important in the hospitality and service industries. “Happy calls” (as some call them) will keep employees on their toes when servicing the customer. They want their boss to hear good feedback about them. It also ensures quality work from employees. A plumber doesn’t want his work being scrutinized much like a chef doesn’t want his dish sent back. They will get it right the first time.

Clean Up Mistakes Before a Bad Review

We were easy and happy customers. The Maître De’s job becomes even more important when a table hasn’t had a great experience. He has a chance to make things right. We’d like to comp your meal for your inconvenience… Would you accept a drink from the bar on us?... We’d like to invite you back and give us a second chance, on us… The options are endless, all depending on the situation, of course. Think about how much time, pain and money companies go through to track down people who post bad reviews about their company? It’s an exhausting process. And despite your best efforts to apologize/clear things up/reimburse/distinguish value/etc., more often than not, the reviews stay up. The system they employ at West nips these bad reviews before they get posted.

This could be the most important part of his job. If he can stop a bad review from being written by correcting the issue, there is no telling how much money it can save a company. A good Maître De/host/customer service rep/account exec/etc. will be able to turn this potentially bad review into a positive review. Those are the individuals you want. From the composure that I witnessed in the Maître De, I was confident in his ability to correct any dissatisfaction a customer may have with the food or service. They hired the right guy.

Decrease Callbacks

Specifically, in the home services industry, think about how expensive callbacks are for your company. No owner wants his employees going out to a house to fix something for free that should have been done correctly the first time. Make sure the customer is happy before you go on to your next job.

Message from the Owner

I really liked how he said that he was sent over by the executive chef. It made us feel important, and I think it is a great strategy. Try it at your company… “I am calling on behalf of the owner here at Joe’s Air Conditioning. He would like to make sure our visit to your home today met our standards and that you are 100% satisfied with our work.”

Influence a Review

If your customer has a great experience with your services, this is a perfect chance to thank them for their business and ask them for a review. Let them know that receiving online reviews in your market is tough, and competition is stiff. If they could share their experiences online it would mean the world to you personally and help your company’s already stellar reputation online!

Think about the Maître De at West. Who in your company would you like your customers to hear from right after they receive your services? If you don’t have anyone, it’s worth finding the right person.

Mike Montano
Founder, ReviewBuzz
