Let’s just get this question out there, because somebody’s probably staying awake at night wondering if this idea of “junking up an inbox with email” is worth your marketing investment. Or, is it the marketing equivalent of hiding your money under a mattress only to see the bed bugs have a feast at your expense?
So, does the inbox get results? In a word: Yes. For 69 percent of American consumers, email marketing has influenced their purchases. So says a recent MarketSherpa survey of 2,000 American adults that should have you resting more comfortably.
Just as significant for a pretty relevant contractor market – among males 35 to 44 years old, 82% have made purchases influenced by email. And that’s a demographic that fits comfortably with home ownership and home improvements, wouldn’t you say?
Here’s the other takeaway pertinent to contractors: Only 20% of those influenced by email marketing made purchases solely online. Which is a good thing for those remaining 80% that you’re going to want to visit in their home.
While balancing online and off-line marketing strategies, contractors have the challenge of turning online interactions into in-person contact. In that effort, email is a cost-efficient, effective and viable tool for your marketing toolbox – and for strategically connecting with your customers for special offers, lead nurturing and service reminders that point to the next step: Appointment setting and, ultimately, installation in the home.