“That company’s got a great personality,” said no customer ever. But they do take note of the qualities of “personality” that make up your brand. When these elements are in conflict, the messages get mixed, your image suffers and sales and retention reflect the scattershot approach to saying who you are.

So, you know your brand is not your logo, right? That’s a design element that you want to keep professional and consistent in all uses. But it’s still just one thing that tells customers and prospects who you are.

Your brand is not the sign on your door or your slogan or how long you’ve been in business.

It’s not your unique selling proposition. Your USP is how you differentiate yourself from your competitors. It’s a distinction. Your brand is that distinction, and all of the above, and every other aspect of personality by which you become known.

In other words, how your customers see you is how they know you, and whether this image is your intention or not, that becomes your brand. MegaMarketers can work to build a brand of being knowable, likeable and trustable in areas like these:

  • Over-delivering on service. Go the extra mile. Especially considering that some service yahoos won’t even go an extra inch.
  • The only surprises are good surprises. Deliver a frugal wow to impress customers (freebies and nice touches that don’t cost you much but make a memorable impact). But don’t deliver unexpected add-ons to the bill or take shortcuts in service that cause problems later.
  • Be known for value, not cheapness. People like a great deal, but they trust quality more.
  • Present a consistent identity in your marketing messages. It doesn’t help to come off as a carnival barker in one ad, but promote high-value image in another.
  • Present a consistent identity in signage, vehicle wraps – everything you do, say or display that represents your company.
  • Train techs and dispatchers for building your brand with every customer interaction. Everyone who comes in contact with customers speaks to them about your brand. Make sure it’s a message of courtesy and competence.

Branding isn’t just for the big boys. It’s for small companies too. The folks out there might not say, “That company’s got a great personality.” But you’ll know you’re hitting the right balance when they say: “That company’s great. You should use them.”