How do customers reach you and schedule your services? Maybe it seems like: “They have a problem I can fix, they call me, I fix it.”

If only. Yes, they could call you to fix their problem. They could also call your competitor. Or they might not even realize they have a problem, and it’s growing larger (and more costly) every day.

The customer journey takes twists and turns that are influenced by your integrated marketing campaigns and word-of-mouth reputation. Mapping out this customer journey begins by understanding your ideal customer.

This is not your only customer, but do consider a few typical customers who are likely to buy residential contracting services from you. In creating these customer “personas,” factors would be location, household income, home ownership or other demographics.

Also consider gender. “Fixing” things was traditionally man’s work, and the gentleman of the house was tasked with completing a “honey do” list (as in “honey, do this” or “honey, do that”). But surveys show that women make or influence 85% of all household purchasing decisions, including 50% of products that were once considered “male products,” such as autos, home improvement products and electronics.

As you identify customers you can best serve, think about what they are likely to do to solve their contracting problem? Chances are, they’re heading to the search engine. Especially for large investments like home improvements, customers conduct online research for solutions and providers of said solutions. This factor reinforces the value of SEO plus ads that retarget site visitors and put you in front of a valuable, active market.

What do they do when they click your site? They need to be able to find what they’re looking for. So make sure your navigation guides them where they want to go. Also, keep a clean design that is easy to load.

Your content will help answer a burning question: is the company they’re considering trustworthy? Do that, first, by keeping content current. Please do not display a blog that has not been updated since 2017 or offers that show a 2022 expiration date.

Second, as you prepare your content, write to your ideal customer. You know their concerns for safety, security, home value, rising energy costs, indoor air quality, and so forth. Talk to them in a casual written style and through online video about their issues and your solutions to these problems.

Tell them what they step they need to take. Again, it may be obvious to you (“Just call us. We’ll help you out.”) But they don’t know how you work. Make it easier for them by allowing them to schedule a service appointment or request a free estimate online. Also, explain what they can expect (such as most appointments are scheduled the same day or how your flat-rate pricing works). Once they’ve scheduled, when are they meeting you at their house? Give them a time window or offer to call as you head to their location.

That’s part of the journey of how customers get to you. Myriad other marketing pieces also provide routes even as they reinforce your image when prospects make a decision to make contact.