Brand. Image. Reputation. These words reflect your work to create value. Your brand is the sum of every marketing impression you offer. Your image is what this brand is creating. Your reputation comes from whether you back up that image with fulfilled promises. When you do, you build value and bring customers into your database who aren’t seeking a low-price leader. Keep serving… and be sure to capture all names for your Retention Plan.

Who’s in front of your customers? Your techs. Make sure they know how to present products, financing options and incentives. Their technical knowledge gives them a terrific advantage for solving customer problems – with a few communication tweaks.

HVAC – What should techs look for? The red flags are consistent – high-cost repairs and aging systems. If customers are spending over $300 and/or their system is over 8 years old, techs should plant seeds for replacement and upgrade leads. Get them ready. Also, prepare for weather-generated workloads from service and targeted replacement leads.

Plumbing – For landscape-savvy homeowners, summer heat is a great reminder of the value of irrigation solutions. Target these to higher-end neighborhoods where “yard of the month” is a coveted title.