Your marketing funnel could be undergoing some pressures, what with the world turning upside down on its axis. Oh, wait – that’s not exactly what happened. What happened was consumers became more informed than ever and now approach many purchases with the knowledge they need about what they want to buy.

The traditional funnel opens with a large target group at the top (your service area) and narrows as it qualifies prospects (homeowners to leads to customers to loyal customers). That still applies, but there are other issues at work.

Renowned marketer John Jantsch offers thoughts on the funnel’s broken parts. First, with consumer research at their fingertips, your prospects have often already made a buying decision before they enter your funnel.

So, while they probably “think” the difference they’re looking for is lowest price, the marketing contractor’s role is to make the real distinction by demonstrating value. And you want to make that case stronger and stronger as your prospects move through the funnel.

Jantsch said the marketing funnel fails to address this point: “When it comes to lead and referral generation, a happy customer is your best tool.” Therefore, he says, to turn sales into more sales, shift your focus to building trust and delivering high levels of customer service.

Jantsch adds, “Another very common mistake is to believe that all you have to do is run ads and respond to requests. In fact, many potential buyers want hand-holding, nurturing and follow-up in order to know you’ll deliver on your promises.”

He recommends auditing your touch points. Evaluate the ways you come in contact with customers and map out the journey from “never heard of you” to “loyal repeat customers.” What happens between that first call or email, initial visit and closed sale to installation follow up and requests for referrals? Put yourself in your customer’s shoes.