• 4.3 billion people, around half of the world’s population, have email. (Digital.com)
  • Internet Live Stats shows that 2.8 million emails are sent each second.
  • The average office worker gets 121 emails, personal and business. (Radicati Group)
  • When an email is opened, a typical click-through rate is 3.26%. (Hubspot)
  • Companies see an average 4300% return on their email marketing investment. (Copyblogger)

Running Your Email Campaigns

There are many options to help you manage your email marketing, including services that are free at the start until your list and usage increases.

Familiar names such as Constant Contact, GetResponse and MailChimp offer similar features and pricing tiers. Most provide a variety of tools to create, test and schedule your email campaigns as well as integrate with social media. You can segment your lists to deliver more relevant content and personalize your recipients for a closer connection.

Email marketing services also enable you to create automated website freebies that are sent to your prospect moments after they enter an email address.

In addition, analytics show you opens and clicks and give valuable information for optimizing campaigns.