“Stop me if you’ve heard this before,” said no marketer ever. Repetition is the stock-in-trade of the marketing field.

By the time you’ve been promoting your business on Social Media for a few years, you’ve started to assemble a solid library of resources. So, why not dust off those digital darlings and let them shine again?

People are busy, overwhelmed and it takes a time or two to break through the noise of daily life. Or they don’t have the need you can meet the first time you press “post,” but things have changed by the time they see it again.

That’s one reason for re-sharing old Social content. You’ll get a new set of eyeballs on your piece, plus you’ll jog someone’s memory. Or you may hit them at the right time when earlier it wasn’t.

The other reason is because it was just so darn good, you don’t won’t to waste it. Unless you’re giving the daily weather report, evergreen content (meaning it’s timeless) is still as valuable this season as it was last year – or even a few years earlier.

Of course, the main reason to re-share content is because it helps you stay connected and stay in front of your market as you keep offering good counsel. As an alternative to simply “re-sharing,” you can update an old blog post or article with new information. Be sure to remove any old links, dates or outdated details, however.