Though your website homepage may be the link you promote in all-purpose advertising, when contractors are running a direct response campaign, your landing page URL is the place to send prospects for more benefit-rich persuasion, further offer details and a lead-capturing contact form. (Note: This could still be your domain name with an extension, sort of like:

There are several “must-haves” for your landing page, starting with an attention-grabbing headline that draws visitors in. This headline should be inviting, yet it should also be clear. In other words, if these are the only words the prospect reads, that should be enough for them to know what the offer is.

The landing page should also be consistent in design and content with other elements of your campaign. If the prospect clicks from ad to landing page, you don’t want them to feel as if they lost their way or aren’t sure they’re in the right place. Don’t confuse by being inconsistent, and don’t distract by creating variety.

Additionally, you need an explanation of the offer that makes the benefits clear (testimonials are nice too) and a clean design to make reading easy. You also must have a strong call to action and a form to capture visitor information. Again, be consistent. The form should reinforce the call to action, not look like a generic sign-up box.

Remember too that your landing page form should be mobile-friendly. Most people are using their smartphones to conduct their personal business, so enable them to complete the circle by filling out their info right then. Don’t frustrate them or, worse, send them to your competitor’s mobile-friendly form.

A landing page not only reinforces your offer and moves prospects to action, your analytics can also yield valuable data to evaluate your campaign’s success – so you’ll know what to repeat and what to tweak next time.