New homeowners, especially first-time buyers, are often new to the contracting services needed to run their homes. So why not drop them a note to say howdy? Or, that is to say, send them a Direct Mail letter congratulating them on their new home purchase and introducing them to the awesomeness of your contracting company. Or, more to the point, let them know about the benefits they’ll receive when you’re on the scene and serving.

Though new homeowners may be small in numbers compared to your market as a whole, statistics show that they’re in the mood to spend. According to the National Association of Home Builders, in the first two years after closing, new homeowners spend on average $7,400 more than a non-moving homeowner. Logically, a lot of these dollars are directed toward making their home more comfortable and adding more convenient features.

So, while they may have friends and family advising them on who to choose for their home improvements, they could be waiting for that mail delivery that tells them that you’re here to offer help. And there’s good reason for them to get to know you. Kitchen and bath improvements, heating and cooling system replacements, as well as lighting and security upgrades are among the many areas that may command their attention. At the very least, they’ll need to know your company’s name for routine service and future repairs.

Your Direct Mail message could be as simple as welcoming them to the neighborhood and letting them know you’d like their business. Be sure to include a call to action such as, “Please use the enclosed coupon to schedule a free energy analysis. It’s our housewarming gift to you.” People like incentives, and respond when there’s good reason to do so – especially an audience that pays attention to mail that reflects their new role as homeowners.