History books about the Internet will show that most of the websites of ancient times were built by techno geeks who couldn’t spell worth a toot. Then the marketing folks got wind of the new media and said, “Hey guys, how about we proofread some of these webpages before they go live?”* (*Information may be deemed “inaccurate” by actual scholars.)

But there is something to be said about the idea that the ease of updating web content – added to the fact that websites were first the domain of tech support, not marketing folks – created a scenario that print marketing never allowed: We can correct it later.

Given its price and permanence, print is about getting it right before you give the go-ahead for the placement, press run or postage. As you incorporate print marketing into your integrated plan, keep an eye out for these elements:

Good design – Opt for a clean, uncluttered layout that’s easy to read.

Strong headline – Grab attention with a benefit-rich headline that makes a promise you can fulfill.

Compelling body copy – Push benefits and let customers know “what’s in it for them.”

Call to action – Be clear how you want folks to respond to your offer. And don’t forget to include your phone number and website address.

Proofread – Is it right and ready? Get a second set of eyes to take a look at your print piece – before you send it out to represent your company.