When it comes to customer care, the worst time to think of it is when it comes out of your mouth.

Working with HVAC companies across the country in training CSRs, I've discovered the two biggest fears of your team when it comes to answering the phone:

  1. What if the prospect or client asks a question that I don't know the answer to?
  2. What if the client or prospect is mad at me?

You can imagine how much fun it is for your team to answer the phone every time that it rings with these two fears haunting them.

What’s my advice when it comes to dealing with an upset customer?

Dave's Volcano Theory, of course.

My Volcano Theory can be broken down into seven steps that are easily put into practice.

  1. Let the customer explode. Hence, The Volcano Theory name. Let the Volcano do what it does best. Let them vent, all the while focusing your attention on the problem, not the person.
  2. Once the Volcano is done with their initial eruption, say, "I don't know how you feel, but I understand, because I'm taking notes. Is that OK?"
  3. Once they’ve given you permission to take notes, say, "Tell me more.” Remember to actively listen, taking notes every step of the way.
  4. Ask the question, "What do you think should have happened?"
  5. Next, follow up with, "What would you like to see happen now?"
  6. Finally, ask the question, "If I can do that, then what will happen?"
  7. Repeat back to the customer what you heard them say, ask for approval and tell them when the follow-up will be. Be specific, providing them with day, date and time that they can count on.

If the call is too heated, always ask, "Are you mad at me?" Typically, the Volcano’s answer will be, “No, I'm just mad at the situation.”

My system works because we are following a script that works, and we own the script. The saying goes, "Being listened to and being loved are so close together that most people cannot tell the difference.”

Please, do yourself a favor and listen to your upset customers.

For a free chapter of our new book for customer service representatives, The Follow-up Call, visit www.godavetester.com and request Chapter One.

Dave Tester offers individuals, departments, and entire companies the hands-on, custom training to drive sales revenue to its highest level. Author of six books, Dave has developed a tried and true system for networking and deal making that positively changes how companies sell products and services.