Reminder: your best next customer is one you already have. Companies have a 60-70% chance of selling to repeat customers, Marketing Metrics says. Keeping these customers looks like this:

A Positive First Impression – In online retail, the welcome process is called “onboarding.” You bring a prospect into your customer base by delivering on your promises with value and a quality experience. Positive experiences open the door to a relationship, and customer retention begins right away with follow-up calls after the service, handwritten thank you notes and adding them to the newsletter list.

Active Customers – Staying in touch with current and active customers keeps them connected to you, and keeps you at the top of their mind when they have a problem you can solve. You make this connection stronger when you’re able to enroll them in a maintenance agreement for routine service and discounts.

Re-engagement – Don’t let people walk away without giving them a second chance. Reach back out to former customers with “we miss you” messages or special direct response offers that give them incentive to act.