If you pulled your team into a room and asked, “What is our core message to customers?” you’d probably get blank stares. Those are marketing terms. But you do want every employee to know how to talk about your services – because your employees are your number one ambassadors.

Your core message, like your value proposition, should say who you are and why your company is different. Let’s look at examples of how this can be a wasted opportunity.

A friend asks, “What do you guys do at ABC Heating and Air?” Your employee answers, “I really don’t know what all we do. Mostly, I just go where they tell me. You can call the office if you’ve got a specific question.” Would you call after that? Probably not. The lack of enthusiasm and connection would come across as negative.

Or how about if the employee said, “We do it all, whatever you need.” While that sounds “positive,” it still doesn’t paint a very clear picture.

Look at what this response can do instead: “We provide heating and air conditioning repair and installation services across [city]. Most times, we can get to you the same day you call, and we fully guarantee everything we do. You can get details at our website, or just call our office. We’ve got a good team of folks who will be happy to help you out.”

That’s a message that makes a difference.