If you could ask your customers one question, what would it be? Let’s say you could ask them three questions, would you like that opportunity? Getting greedy here, but what if you could ask them five questions? Would that be worth your time and attention?

Market research is highly valued. And getting it on the cheap is pretty sweet.

Pop-up surveys on your website (as well as online surveys conducted through email) are a low-cost method to gather customer intelligence. The other upside: When someone listens, that shows they care.

For a pop-up survey, start by determining what you want to ask. For example, “How did you hear about our company?” Then give the multiple choice answers that reflect media, web search or referral. Or, “Why are you visiting our site today?” Then give multiple choice answers, like “Researching new system.”

You could also survey to gauge interest in services. For example, if you’re considering expanding IAQ solutions, your survey could ask questions along the lines of: “Does anyone in your home suffer from allergies?” “Do you have pets that spend a lot of time indoors?” “How important is it to maintain healthy air in your home?”

To increase response, offer site visitors an incentive – say, a chance to win an Amazon gift card. So your headline becomes, “Win an Amazon gift card,” not, “Take this survey so we can learn what you’re thinking.” See how that works?