There’s not a marketing program in the world that can break someone’s HVAC system. You can’t write an ad or letter good enough to actually short circuit an electrical system. And there’s no email or Social Media post that’s going to clog someone’s drain. So, how do MegaMarketers create demand for your services?

On the one hand, you do have to allow gravity and time to do their job on household systems. On the other hand, you offer services that solve a problem, and you keep fine-tuning your solutions – and how you present them.

Your marketing presents your value, your content displays your expertise, and your media mix gets you in front of your market. From there, well-placed techniques help generate a response. Key among these is establishing a limit.

Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) may be a distraction for an always-connected household but is actually a pretty solid marketing foundation. And you trigger that fear with a limit.

One limiting factor can be time, for instance – as in, “This offer is only good for the next seven days. After that, the price doubles.” Product scarcity is another option. For example, “We only have 10 of these in stock. So when they’re gone, they’re gone.”

Exclusivity is another option for your limit: “This offer is good for customers only.” Or, “Why wait your turn on a cold day? If you join this club, your next repair problem goes to the head of our list.”

You wouldn’t think sitting on a fence would be particularly comfortable. But that’s what people love to do. Fence-sitting is perhaps one of the most popular sports in consumer shopping today. And that’s what you have to push against for your marketing response. As you establish a limit, you can help people see why they have to “act now.” Otherwise, inertia and “wait until later” takes hold.