Oddly, your Social Media followers seem to be more interested in what is happening in the lives of their family and friends than in your awesome services. Heck, they probably even want to check in with a favorite (or reviled) celebrity before hearing about your thoughts on IAQ, or energy savings, or fixtures that run the household. Weird, right?

So, in a platform where people are chatting about their days and sharing their pics and opinions, how do you stand out from the crowd and get attention for your company? You get in front of your market with the help of paid ads as companions to your free postings.

Social Media sites are lining up by the dozens to claim your attention and your money, but where should you focus those two valuable commodities? The easy answer is: Start with Facebook.

According to stats provided by Marketo, 93% of marketers put marketing dollars in Facebook. What’s more, 78% of marketers are either satisfied or somewhat satisfied with the results of their ad spend in this hugely influential platform. From there, the numbers lower. For example, 78% of marketers use Twitter, 53% use YouTube, 44% use Instagram and 40% use Pinterest to market themselves.

Facebook has access to large supplies of data and user information, creating an environment for highly targeted campaigns. The fact that there are one billion-plus users worldwide makes no difference to you if those users are located thousands of miles (or a continent or two) away from your service area. But targeting helps you get results at costs that are fairly low compared to other advertising methods.

Online marketing is made up of a lot of pieces that pull traffic to your website, including search engine optimization, search engine marketing and content marketing. Social Media marketing, particularly on Facebook, is another essential tool for gaining visits.