Whether you realize it or not, you’ve got an operating principle known as “company logic.” These are the things you want everyone in the company to do because they support a goal that is important to you. These actions may be really good ideas.

Let’s say you want to conserve the gasoline your vehicles consume, so you group service calls by techs and location. Or, maybe you do this because you want to improve time management and get more calls completed in less time.

Reducing expenses and saving time makes sense. But what you want to avoid is the misguided notion that company logic is the same thing as customer-centered communication.

Clearly, you would never say to a customer, “We can’t get to you today because we’re saving gasoline.” Or, “Because of our time management program, we’ll have to wait till tomorrow to schedule your service call.”

See how company logic, applied in the wrong setting, sounds ridiculous?

Communicating with customers is not about what you all know and believe is best for your company. If that mindset is at work, you should train techs to rethink this kind of thinking.

It’s tempting to approach upsells with a “what’s in it for me” logic. “If I sell a higher priced system, or if I convince my customer to make an upgrade, I’m happy because I get an incentive and my boss is happy.” But that’s not the logic that leads to satisfied, loyal customers, and that’s not how you get referrals.

Instead, keep your techs focused on how best they can serve customers. Train them to recognize that the best service to customers involves the solutions you provide – and often those solutions involve higher quality products and superior services that keep customer systems running safely, comfortably and efficiently.