You know why you want followers, likes and clicks on your social media platforms. Engagement means people are interested in what you’ve got to say. That’s a good sign for cultivating relationships. Yet before you get to “how do I get more engagement,” start at the heart of the matter: what’s in it for your followers?

A social media “like” at its most basic level is a friendly pat on the back – and is not always about seeking a reward for the effort expended to click that button. That’s true in your personal feed, and it applies to brands too. Most times people follow your company on social media just to show their support. They feel a connection.

In fact, when the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth conducted a survey of Millennials, the results showed that they weren’t looking for a return from their “like.” Instead, the top reason for following on Facebook (86%), Twitter (87%) and Pinterest (78%) was to show support.

This result shows that the relationship-building aspect of social media is even more relevant. Yet once you’re in their feed, you’ve got an opportunity to build that relationship.

Deliver better customer service. Through social media, you can alert customers to tips they need to know (whether it’s how to stay safe during a weather event or protect their systems for the next season). You can give them the inside scoop on industry trends. But don’t forget access to discounts, which people like too. And also important…

Respond quickly to comments in your feed. Studies show that 72% of people lodging a complaint through Twitter expect to hear back from the company within an hour. Even if it’s just a question, 53% expect the same timely response. Being responsive will not only help you avoid bad publicity, but it’s also a way to be polite, and that’s what you’d expect with relationships. Speaking of…

Remember your social media etiquette. This is more than saying please and thank you, but it is also about providing appropriate content at an appropriate time. Fun posts are usually welcome, but do remember that humor is in the eye of the beholder. Also, if there’s a huge news event that is consuming people’s attention, pull scheduled posts that may seem insensitive.

Follow your competitors. Learn what they’re doing well. Plus, consider adding good-natured comments to their posts. Your followers will be entertained if your comments are in the right spirit. Stay friendly, never critical.