2020 saw the emergence of new trends and the rapid acceleration of existing trends in SEO, mobile use, and social media marketing. As we start the new year, there is no better time to start planning a more effective 2021 digital strategy for your company.

Here at Hudson,Ink, we have compiled a list of some useful 2021 marketing resolutions to help you plan your 2021 Marketing Strategy and Budget.

Use Data to Drive Your Marketing Plan.

Google Analytics allows you to see exactly how your website is performing, how you acquire visitors, and what content people respond to the most. Without Google Analytics, you can only guess if your website and marketing are effective or not.

Make Sure Your Website is Ready for the March 2021 Google Search Update.

For several years now, Google has been focusing more and more on Mobile Search in determining its search rankings. Sixty-three percent of all Google searches now originate from a mobile device. The amount of mobile searches has grown every year since 2013 and will continue to become the dominant search medium. While Mobile-Friendly has been a growing Google ranking factor, it is about to become THE factor in Google rankings. In March 2021, Google will roll out mobile-first indexing for the entire web.

Get Serious About PPC Advertising.

With the sheer amount of digital advertising options available, finding the right fit for your business goals can be harder than ever. Google PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Advertising is the most effective form of digital advertising for almost any business.

Fix Your Slow Website Before It Costs You Sales.

As more sales shift online, having a modern and well-designed website is vital to the success of your business. When it comes to building an SEO focused website with a high sales and conversion rate, speed is a critical factor. The Page Speed of your website is the first impression people form about your business. Make sure it is a positive impression.

Get Serious About Your Digital Strategy.

An effective Digital Strategy is essential for business success in 2021 and beyond. However, while most companies know they need a cohesive Digital Strategy, they fall short in the planning. Far too often, a company’s goal will look something like, “We need to increase website visitors and sales.” Which is great, but is it actionable? How do you measure success?

Make Sure Your Branding is Top Notch.

Why is branding important to your company? Branding is the art of shaping your reputation through a distinctive and cohesive design. Your brand allows your company to set itself apart from competitors and to establish a reputation to build a future for the company. In a turbulent economy, effective branding is one of the most important investments you can make. Think of your company brand as the promise you make to your customers.

Hudson,Ink specializes in helping our customers achieve massive and sustained growth with our custom Digital Strategies, PPC Advertising, Website Design, and Turn-Key Data and Analytics services. If you would like to get started with a custom Digital Strategy for your business, email [email protected].

Reach out to improve your Digital Strategy today!