Direct Mail has its advantages, including the fact that your customers may prefer it over other communication methods. According to MarketingSherpa, in a list of common marketing methods (subscribe to email, follow on Social Media, visit website, receive text messages, etc.), 54% of consumers preferred to receive updates and promotions by mail.

The creation of your letter warrants an effective copywriting strategy, however. Within that strategy, you must not overlook the words through which you nudge prospects toward the very response you are seeking from them: the call to action.

“Call today to schedule your free estimate” is an example of a call to action a contractor might use in Direct Mail. Though actual wording varies, a residential contractor seeking entry into a home in order to install or service equipment needs to set a time to visit the home. That response is what makes Direct Mail worth its weight in postage, so to speak.

Note: For email, because marketing expenses are lower, the variety of call to actions will be greater. Responses to any of the following would be helpful just to get contact information: “Sign up for our newsletter,” “Download the free report,” “Refer and friend and get $25 off your next service call,” etc.

Remember, you don’t have to do this on your own. All your PS and Direct Hit campaigns have calls to action and are ready to go. Call your Coach to get started.