Fine-Tuning Your Direct Mail Marketing


There’s a guy in town who can help you find your next new leads. In fact, he’s heading to their homes sometime today, and he’d be glad to take your best marketing material with him. Yes, the postman is still the go-to guy for getting your message to prospects.

Your Direct Mail campaign begins with who you want to reach, what you want to offer and how you want to communicate your message. From there…

Use a quality mailing list. The list itself is responsible for about 40 percent of Direct Mail profitability. If you have a current database of existing customers, inactive customers and new leads, that’s great. Or we can help you acquire the right list for your mailing.

Create your offer. A free estimate or discount on a repair service or special deal on new equipment are among your marketing options. Also, be sure to include a time limit to prompt response. 

Choose your format. Letters give you room to flesh out your offer, include promises that reduce risk and add Social proof (such as testimonials) to strengthen your message. Plus, you can personalize the letter with recipient names. Postcards are also effective and cost-efficient for marketing messages that can be conveyed in a glance.

Push benefits. Your copy should zing with benefits for your customer, not be a bunch of gobbledygook about technical features and how awesome you are.

Give a call to action. You must tell them what to do (and within what time frame) to get this great deal.

Repeat the process. A one-off mailing doesn’t tend to be effective. That’s why frequency has greater value than reach. Reach is how many people you mail to; frequency is the number of times you mail. In this sense, frequency (more mailings) to a smaller list is more effective than one mailing to a larger list.