The email capture form is a staple for marketer websites. Whether you’re offering a way to schedule a service appointment, request a free estimate or sign up for a newsletter, you should have a form on your site through which someone gives you their email address.

So, what happens after you get this valuable contact information? It’s not like you’re going to wait until you get back to your desk to scroll through your inbox and see how you’d like to respond. And it’s not like you’ll leave that new email address in your database untouched until next month when you send out your next email campaign.

“Wait ‘til later” is no kind of marketing strategy, especially when automation starts your relationship off on the right foot. A welcome email is your first step in a nurturing email campaign that introduces your company to your prospect in a friendly, inviting way.

When someone enters their email address on your site, this event triggers a welcome email that is prewritten, predesigned and in your email program ready to go. It reflects your professional image as it sets the tone for future communication.

Rather than one generic welcome, prepare variations specific to the offer they are responding to. For example, you wouldn’t want to tell someone requesting a free estimate, “Watch for our newsletter,” but instead should say, “Someone will be contacting you soon to schedule your appointment.”