Ah, the shoulder season - a magical time when the phone rings less, the days seem longer even though they’re getting shorter, and you start to wonder if your customers have forgotten your number altogether.

As a contractor, it’s easy to dread this in-between period when the weather isn’t extreme enough to send people rushing to their thermostats. But instead of twiddling your thumbs and hoping for an early cold snap, let’s talk about how you can turn the shoulder season into a goldmine of opportunity.

Let me start by saying I’ve been where you are.

At Hudson Ink our ups and downs are driven by YOURS, just in reverse. When you’re busy fielding all the weather-driven inbound calls you can handle, our phones are largely silent. During extreme weather, you’re depending more on natural demand than on marketing… and ride that wave while you can. But as soon as your calls slow, the temptation to panic (or worse, start discounting your services like a going out of business sale) is real. This is when our phone lines light up. And unfortunately, when you wait until the Summer, pressure washer turns into a faucet drip, it’s likely too late to react and save the season. So, let’s get proactive this year and get a plan in place to elevate this shoulder season right into the Winter.

Think of the shoulder season as the perfect time to strengthen your business all the way to its foundations. Another one of my favorite parts of Fall is football, so let’s make this analogy: It’s like the off-season for athletes; you’re not in the middle of the game, so you have time to practice, improve, and prepare for the next big season coming. And when you aren’t taking this time to train, it will be evident when you get run off the field by your competition later on. This “down time” is your chance to get creative with your marketing, connect with your customers, and maybe even have a little fun while you’re at it.

Let Slower Times Push You Out of Your Comfort Zone

One thing I’ve learned over the years is creativity often sparks when you’re pushed out of your comfort zone and made to feel a little antsy, and that’s exactly what pressure will do for us. Sometimes it’s the only thing that will push some of the more conservative of us to try new things at all… ever. The shoulder season is the perfect time to test out new marketing strategies, whether it’s launching a fresh and unexpected direct mail campaign or finally diving into that social media platform you’ve been avoiding like the plague.

For example, what about a Halloween-themed fall HVAC cleaning campaign with a picture of a dusty, cobweb-covered condenser unit with the tagline, “The Scariest part is how much money it’s costing you...” It’s lighthearted, it’s attention grabbing, and it hits homeowners right where they’re paying the most attention: in the wallet. Don’t be afraid to stand out during this time, because in all honesty, being different and creative are your best weapons to get noticed during a shoulder season.

The Power of Personal Connection

During the busy season, it’s all too easy to focus simply on getting the job done and moving on to the next as quickly as possible. But the shoulder season forces you to slow down - and that can be boring and painful as you watch your profits from the summer melt away. Or it can be a GIFT, allowing you to reconnect with your customers and remind them why they chose you in the first place. I doubt you would have set aside your CSRs for a simple “wellness check” call through your database when you were burning through dispatches a few weeks ago. But now is the perfect time to check on a recent installation or write a “We Miss You” email. These small touches can go a LONG way in maintaining a relationship that you desperately need to stay healthy.

And let’s not forget the power of the handwritten note. Yes, I said it—a handwritten note. As a pastor, this is one of my secret weapons to show genuine care. In our digital age where everything is automated, AI-generated, and in turn, largely cold and impersonal, there’s something special about receiving a note in the mail that isn’t a bill or junk. It’s shocking that people even CAN handwrite anymore, and even more shocking when someone handwrites something to you.

If you have the time and have chosen to spend that time thanking your customers for their business, it shows you’re thinking about them and see them as more than just dollar signs. Plus, it’s an easy way to plant the seed for future services. “Hope your new water heater is working great! Don’t forget it needs to be serviced twice a year to keep saving you money. Oh, and by the way, did you know we offer AC services too? We’d love to be your heating and air contractor as well!”

Upsell Like a Pro

I know all of this “lots of time on your hands” talk might be a little depressing, but remember, just because it’s the shoulder season doesn’t mean you can’t make some serious sales. Actually it’s the perfect time to upsell those services that homeowners might not have thought about during the heat of summer, you moved on to quickly to properly explain the benefits, or a tech couldn’t close. Loop back and take another swing offering an off-season discount.

I heard a contractor tell about a customer who called in the middle of October, not because their HVAC system was on the blink, but because they were curious about improving their indoor air quality. After a little conversation, they ended up selling them a whole-home air purifier and a maintenance agreement. It wasn’t a hard sell; it was simply a matter of listening to their concerns and offering a solution that made sense. And guess what? That one fell in the contractor’s lap. Just think about the potential that’s out there if you were to go fishing and actively pursue some leads that weren’t closed while your competition is sitting around waiting for winter?

Enjoy It

Lastly, don’t forget to have a little fun. The shoulder season can feel like a pain if you let it, but it can also be a time to enjoy the lighter side of the business. Host a “Shoulder Season” contest for your team - most service calls or most maintenance agreement sales wins a prize. Or run a goofy social media campaign where you share tips on “How to Stay Cool/Warm When You Don’t Really Need Your HVAC.” Again, getting the homeowner’s attention right now is half the battle and humor goes a long way in making your business memorable.

Just the same as the old saying, “You can feel a person’s smile through the phone,” homeowners can feel if you enjoy what you do through your marketing. If you’re putting off the vibe you’re just waiting on the seasons to change, they will definitely wait with you… to spend their money.

Let’s Make Your Shoulder Season Shine

At Hudson Ink, we’re all about helping you turn challenges into opportunities and the shoulder season is no exception. Whether you need fresh marketing ideas, help with customer retention, or just someone to bounce ideas off of, we’re here for you.

Shoot me an email to [email protected] or call (800) 489-9099 to book a one-on-one strategy session with a coach.