This time of year the Jacobs family mailbox starts to fill up with Christmas cards sent from friends and family which we proudly display around our dining room doorway. This seems almost obligatory to most families and has become a widespread Christmas tradition. These are designed to carry a “thinking of you” type message along with a way to show off our beautiful families. But honestly, many of the cards don’t get the response from me the sender probably intended.
I laugh – HARD – at some of these.
I’ve been there, and I know how these things really go. The kids were likely pulling each other’s hair and screaming just moments before. The photographer probably snapped a couple thousand photos to get that ONE beautiful shot where, for a single second, all was right in the world. Case in point: Moments before this year’s beautiful photo of the Jacobs family, my kid was chewing on the fancy wicker chairs… but you didn’t see that.
There’s a lot of hard work and planning that goes on behind the scenes to project the “right” image… and the same is true for your business.
A lot of work goes into building a professional, trustworthy image, but a few key areas make the biggest impact. A website that’s well-designed, optimized (people need to be able to find you!), and easy to navigate builds credibility, whether you’re a one-truck shop or a larger company. Clean uniforms, wrapped trucks, organized branding, and professional service all take hard work. And all of them can help make or break your business.
It’s amazing to see how marketing can affect people’s perception. Good marketing can paint a pretty picture, but the believability and reality behind it – that’s all up to you. I hope no one looks at your smiling face on a billboard and thinks, “Yeah right. They may look good, but I know the truth!”
Right now we’re booking appointments to create customized 2021 marketing plans for contractors just like you. We can take a look at what you’re currently doing to see if your money is being well spent and offer some simple suggestions to get you to the next level in 2021. We can even analyze your website and take a look at what tactics your competitors are using to try and steal your market share.
This is normally a $129 charge, but if you’re one of the first 20 contractors to email and request a “Marketing Analysis for 2021” appointment, we will do this absolutely free with no strings attached.
Good marketing can change the game for your business, and it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. As we look toward 2021, let us help your business project an image that people can trust, will refer friends to, and come back to for years to come.
(P.S. Speaking of holiday cards, you still have a few more days to send an extra special thank you message to your customer base. You’ve missed the deadline to get them there in time for Christmas, but we still have some New Year options available. Click here to look at our designs. Don’t miss this chance to show your customers how much you appreciate them supporting you through a TOUGH year. And don’t worry… no fancy clothes or fake smiles necessary!)