Holiday Marketing/Internet Marketing


Hi, Friend! I can barely contain myself I am so excited about the next two months! The holiday season is my absolute favorite, and if we are being honest, the easiest time to market your business to new and existing customers. If you love adding a little bit of holly and jolly to your day, or if you are a little more Grinch-like and want to hide in your cave for the rest of the winter, keep reading!

Whatever holiday your customer celebrates, chances are they are celebrating their favorite holiday of the year. These winter months evoke feelings of friendship, love, warmth and joy and I hate to say it, but those feelings are so easy to capitalize on. Do you know how many times I have been suckered into buying something online because of the cute little elf in the ad, or the chance to find out what discount Santa brought me this year? Too many times to count, and quite honestly, I am a little ashamed I fall for it every year.

I know that this season is your busiest, and you are probably thinking “why in the world do I want to market to new customers?” While you are busy dealing with frozen, busted pipes and emergency call after emergency call, it is the perfect time to show your customers why they need to keep coming back to you after the emergencies start to settle down. Go the extra mile and plant the seed that reminds them to call you the next time they need help.

If y’all know me, you know that I love using the internet to help boost my marketing efforts. It is such an easy way to see who you are reaching, what cute snowman content is performing best and it lets you implement changes quickly. So naturally, the first two tips are going to be based on internet marketing, and my final tip is going to be about jazzing up your print tactics. By integrating your marketing campaigns, you add those extra touchpoints to your customer’s journey.

My first tip is to spread good cheer using Facebook Live. Why a live video? Well, number one, its FREE so you can save that extra money on the next step (or extra Christmas presents for your family). Facebook Live builds customer trust, helps personalize your conversation and creates a lasting connection with your customer. This year, try using a live video to create a “Holiday Cheer” campaign based on sharing good cheer. Because honestly, the best gift is a smile, a genuinely friendly face and a listening ear. Put the bug in your customer’s ear for next season, without spending a dime.

The second tip is to partner with a nonprofit. Now is the perfect time to step back from the holiday craze, and take a look at those less fortunate than you. Partnering with a nonprofit not only helps those in need, but it also gives you and your customers those warm fuzzy feelings knowing that you are giving back during a season that is typically focused on receiving. Partner with a nonprofit that you support or that shares similar values to your brand and start a “giving” promotion. You can really do anything with this! You can donate a percentage of your profits, your skillset, you can collect donations for things the nonprofit needs, the list is truly endless. It’s up to you to be the holiday hero that you are, and show your community that you care!

My final tip is the long-lost art of sending Holiday Cards! Sure, you get a few from family members, but when is the last time you got a cute card from someone you do business with? My guess? It’s probably been a while. Go the extra mile and above and beyond your competition by sending custom (and super cute) holiday cards to your customers! At Hudson, Ink we make it super simple for you! All you have to do is go to, pick the design, offer and quantity, and voila! That’s all it takes to make that lasting impression on your customers this season!

Whether you are pinching pennies this season or trying to make an impact in your community, these tips will keep you top of mind for your customers when the winter panic wears off, and they are in need of everyday fixes. I hope your holidays are spent with your loved ones. May the emergencies be small, and the presents stack high! Stay warm this winter, I heard it’s going to be a cold one!

If you have any questions on holiday marketing or putting together a campaign, shoot us an email at [email protected] today.

Rooting you on,

Sara Kathryn King
Sara Kathryn King
Marketing Coordinator