What are Google Local Services Ads?
Google Local Services Ads are pay-per-lead ads that show up at the very top of a Google Search, even before paid search ads. But what sets them apart? Local Services Ads, also known as Local Search Ads, have advertisers go through a more advanced screening process before allowing someone to display ads.
Local Services Ads should be part of your local SEO strategy. They are displayed based on a user’s location. When someone searches Google with a local search query (such as “HVAC services near me” or “Air conditioning repair in Texas”) then a Local Services Ad is eligible to show up.
These ads include information like a business’ hours, reviews, ratings, and a phone number to contact. You can add images to your ad and let potential customers reach out by message or email. Each ad will have to be either Google Guaranteed or Google Screened.

How can I get Google Guaranteed or Google Screened?
One of the biggest benefits of Local Services Ads is that searchers looking at your ad know you are certified and trustworthy. Unlike Google pay-per-click ads, not everyone can sign up to start getting leads. There are a few things you and your company must do before you are ready to start running Local Services Ads, and it starts with getting your business verification.
You will need to provide Google with any necessary licenses your company needs to operate, along with proof of insurance. Then the owner and any employees that may be going into someone’s home to provide a service must go through a free background check. The process is totally free and through Google’s partner Evident. Evident makes it very easy to understand, and in my experience, the background check process can take less than a week.
You will have to get at least one review for your business. Google will provide you with a link you can send out to your customers. You will also be able to connect your Google My Business account so your past reviews can display on your LSA ads.
Once you are verified, you will either be Google Guaranteed or Google Screened, depending on the type of business you are running ads for. If you have the Google Guarantee, it means your business has passed all screening and qualifications and Google is willing to back your work. If a customer schedules a service with you and is not satisfied, Google may reimburse the customer. There is a lifetime cap of $2,000 per customer in the United States. Businesses that may be Google Guaranteed include plumbers, HVAC companies, locksmiths, and more.
If you are Google Screened, it means you also have passed all screenings and qualifications, but Google will not reimburse customers. However, that shouldn’t discourage you from running these types of ads. Local Services Ads are a great way to gain the trust of a potential customer before even starting to work with them. Types of businesses that may be Google Screened include lawyers, real estate agents, and financial planners.
How do leads and budgeting work?
The best part about Google Local Services Ads is that you only pay for what you get! And no, I don’t mean clicks like in PPC campaigns. These ads are looking for the perfect match and you will only pay for a valid lead. If you get any spam, incorrect customers, or even a wrong click, you won’t be charged. And if you do, you can easily dispute it for credit back.
This means your ads will be shown to the people looking for your service, and you won’t get any bad traffic. No more keywords, audiences, or any other of the strategies you need to get the right people in front of your ad like in PPC campaigns. Just enter in your weekly budget, service areas, a little information about your business, and you are ready to get reliable leads.
How is a Local Services Ad ranked?
Just like other search ads, there are some factors involved to determine the placement of your ad. Here is what Google takes into consideration while determining your Local Services Ad placement.
- The context of a potential customer’s search
- Your company’s proximity to a potential customer’s location
- Your star rating and the number of reviews you have
- Your business hours and if you are open or will be available
- Your responsiveness to previous customers
Am I eligible for Local Services Ads?
Currently, only a few countries are eligible for Google’s Local Services Ads. These countries are The United States, Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, and United Kingdom
There are a lot more types of businesses that can run LSA. These include, but are not limited to, appliance repair, carpenters, HVAC companies, electricians, lawyers, roofers, and more. A full list of eligible businesses can be found here.
What Do I Do Next?
If you want to start getting efficient leads and more customers for your business, Google’s Local Services Ads are the way to go. Here at Hudson,Ink, we specialize in helping companies like you show up first for LSA ads and rank highly on Google Search. We also help our customers with website improvement, easy-to-read analytics reports, and making sure they are always up to date on Google search practices and SEO techniques.
If you need help setting up Local Services Ads or your Google My Business account, reach out to us at coaches@hudsonink.com.