Images bring more attention to your social media posts than plain old text. On the upside of things, everyone with a smartphone has a camera to take photos they can post. Plus, nonprofessional photographers can take tons of snaps to get the right shot. The only limit for getting a good photo is time and storage space on your phone.

What kinds of images can you create? Try any of these:

Team pictures – Get a photo of your crew, whether in front of your building or during a social gathering. This season especially, you can tie it to a holiday theme and wish your customers a happy holiday from your crew.

Product shots – Not all contractor products are “frame-worthy,” but perhaps you can combine a product shot with a “behind the scenes” look at an installation job.

“It’s a beautiful day” images – People like sunsets, sunrises and other happy scenes (contractor-related or not).

You don’t have to be limited to your own photography, either. There are any number of online resources that can help you boost your image quality and variety to add interest to your social media musings. For example:

Inspirational quotes – If you’ve got a favorite quote, you can share it as an image with the help of tools such as, or Type your quote into the fields at those sites, select a background and save/post to your social media profile.

Or if you don’t have a favorite quote, you can find ones you like at any number of online quote sites – such as or Perhaps post a quote around such topics as the change in season, enjoying the holidays or spending time at home.

Image sites – To add quality to your posts, you can also select and download professional images you can use for free on sites such as or