Noise is the enemy of the unheard and unseen. This is a marketing concept, not a ghost story. Noise is what we are all trying to break through so we can get noticed. With our customers’ attention diverted by multiple channels, however, getting them to look our way is a tall order for any marketer.

If you’re overwhelmed by the noise from social media, your email inbox, text notifications, streaming options, a satellite radio dial, plus cable TV channels you may or may not be watching… so is your customer.

When you think about all the companies and brands trying to fight for their attention, it’s easy to see why they’d be overwhelmed. It’s estimated that the average consumer is exposed to 3500 marketing messages a day. How that exposure is counted is uncertain, but the point is, they hear and see a LOT. Nobody’s got time for something that might be interesting to someone else. They only have the available attention span to look and listen for what specifically matters to them – while tuning out everything else.

It’s sort of like the “selective hearing” a kid may have. Somehow they miss when you ask, “Have you studied for your test?” Or “Have you cleaned up your room?” But they can hear “What movie do you want to see?” Or “Where do you want to eat dinner?”

So, given the noise, how do you get prospects to tune into your message?

Start with relevance. The targetability of digital marketing and the ability to segment print and email lists will help you reach consumers that are most likely to be a good fit for your message. Use analytics to fine-tune your marketing. Also, retargeting campaigns stay in front of prospects who have already shown an interest, and they’ll be able to see an answer to their expressed need as it shows up in their browser or their Facebook feed.

Focus on the customer’s benefit. The ad, content or email message should be strong. Don’t waste valuable attention with a weak headline, missing benefits and no call to action. Build credibility with testimonials, statistics, risk-reducers and other proof. Encourage happy customers to leave reviews to add credibility in the prospect’s evaluation stage.

Be prepared. Customers break through the noise on their own by going after what they want. They search. They use keywords. That’s why SEO and content make a difference. SEO and search engine marketing bring prospects to your site. Your content provides the solution they need and builds trust that you’re the one who can deliver this solution. Once you get this attention, you do not want to lose it. Automated lead-nurturing emails can help you stay in front of the customer while taking them deeper into your marketing and sales funnel.

Integrate your campaigns. Breaking through the noise rarely happens with a single impression of a single ad, but with the continued impressions from an integrated marketing campaign that includes offline and online media. Each impression reinforces your message while you keep top of mind awareness for your business.

Retain your customers. The cost of “attention” has gotten a lot higher over the last 20 years – as much as seven to nine times higher, by some estimates. So, once you get it in the form of an actual paying customer, invest a much smaller percentage of resources to keep that customer through an organized retention program. As your service and quality earns their loyalty, you’ll earn their referrals – and they can help future customers cut through the noise with their word-of-mouth recommendation.