Every marketer wants it, but do you know what it is? How to measure it? How to get it? Or even why you want it? Let’s answer the last question first. For marketers, social media engagement strengthens your relationship with your customer and improves your visibility among prospects.

Engagement is a broad category that includes a like or follow of your social media profile, or a reaction (like, laugh or wow, for example) to an individual post. Comments, video views or shares of your post, as well as clicks on the link, are also forms of engagement. Add posting reviews on your page to the list too.

In most cases, you can see what kind of engagement you’re getting in the metrics that tell you the number of people who see the post, how many views your video receives, how many people click the website link, and so forth. However, you can’t always measure how this engagement ties to sales, or how it’s building awareness in your market. Social media helps you stay in front of customers as just one part of your overall marketing strategy.

The primary way people engage on social media is by consuming content. They read your update, click a link or watch a video, in other words. Thus, the primary way to increase engagement is to keep the content pipeline flowing with quality information and insight that is useful to prospects and customers.