Home shows in your community give you the advantage of being face to face with your market for casual (but strategic) conversation while planting seeds for future upgrades. To make the most of your time and investment, remember these strategies:

Plan ahead for your success. This includes reserving your exhibit space, plus designing and building your booth. Your exhibit doesn’t have to be big budget and flashy, but it does need to be neat and professional. Create a strong headline for your display and have handouts that are succinct, benefit-rich and easy to digest. Get these details nailed down so you’re not rushing around the day of the event but are focused on your opportunities to meet and talk with prospects.

As part of that preparation, talk to your team about the goals you’d like to achieve and the offers you will promote. Do your pre-show marketing—share the news on social media and consider sending postcards to your customers or prospects to let them know that you’ll be at the show.

Make a good first impression. Be welcoming and friendly as people approach your booth. Consider drawing them in with a tray of cookies or beverages. As you talk with prospects, don’t be pushy and hard sell. Listen to their needs and concerns. Ask questions and, based on what you learn, talk with them about how you can solve their problems. To get more people to take notice of your booth …

Get creative to get people engaged. Perhaps encourage attendees to register for a drawing for a valuable prize. Or set up a “spin and win” wheel and give away a variety of prizes. People also like low-cost but useful freebies, which help them remember your company’s name.

Follow up after the show. Start the next day—before they forget who you are and what you talked about.