Prepare Your Voicemail Scripts

Prepare Your Voicemail Scripts

Marketing is often done on a computer – pressing send, publish or upload. But sometimes you’ve got to go old school and make the call. Even then, you’ll likely face a common hurdle.

When following up with a lead over the phone, there’s a good chance your first stop is voicemail. Perhaps the prospect doesn’t recognize your phone number, or it’s genuinely not a convenient time to take a call. Either way, your goal at that moment is to get your call returned.

To make the best case for this callback, prepare ahead of time for the message you will leave behind. Otherwise you could stumble over your words, forget your main points, or even fail to leave your number.

Of course, prepare yourself in case they actually do answer the call. Then carve out the main points for a voicemail capsule. Greet the individual you are calling, state your name, identify your company and give the reason for call. Then, make the request you would like for them to take.

That might go like this: “Hi, Ms. Smith, this is Bill Jones from ABC Contractors. The last time we spoke, you were considering which new system would be right for your home. I wanted to let you know that the manufacturer is offering a special on one of the models we recommended. Please give me a call at 555-5555 so I can adjust that estimate for you and save you some money.”