Marketers using video to reach, nurture and educate prospects are finding that this medium is paying off. Video is a story-telling format that helps consumers better relate to the information you’re trying to communicate. Studies show that this format is preferred over email, social media, text-based content and other forms of communication.

According to Vidyard’s 2018 Video in Business Benchmark Report, 90% of customers say watching a product video helps them make buying decisions while 64% say that watching a video makes them more likely to buy.

So consumers like it, and marketers do too. Vidyard also reports that 97% of marketers believe that video helps increase a customer’s understanding of a product. Plus, the more time prospects spend on your site (to get through the video viewing), the better that is for SEO.

To improve your video marketing strategies…

Tell a Story – This visual medium enables you to connect through emotion, instruct through image and audio and inspire people to action. Show people, not just your products. Tell customer stories and how you solved their problems.

Start off Strong – Grabbing attention in the first 10 seconds is essential to keep viewers around for the rest of your message. Even then…

Keep It Short – Sure you’ve got a lot to say, but tailor your message for greater impact. Less is more, given that viewers have short attention spans and lots of demand on their time. Remember, a 60-second video that actually gets viewed is better than a 15-minute video that only a few people watch.

Close with a Call to Action – Don’t leave them hanging. Tell your viewers what step they can take next to get the same benefits your video promotes.

Videos for your website can be scripted and recorded in advance, but don’t forget you can also go live on Facebook or Instagram. This could be a good option during a home show or publicity event.